How to solve Your theme contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files Issue?
Hello, Friends!
Today I am going to show you how you can solve the issue related to ” Your theme contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files”. I am taking the example Jessica theme which is the child theme of the Genesis framework.
To Solve the issue first we need to go in the status section of WooCommerce.
When you click “Status” There will be a new a page open. Then scroll down that page and you will see a section called “Templates”.
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Now here you can see the list for files that need to update. So after this step, you need to take the backup of these files. You can take the backup with the help of FTP (file transfer protocol) or with the help of Cpanel. If you don’t have these (FTP or Cpanel) then you can download these files with the help of any plugin from admin. There are many plugins for this.
Now you have the backup of old files. So you can move to the next step. In the next step, we need to open the WooCommerce plugin folder. When you are inside the WooCommerce plugin you need to download same files that need to update and upload in the theme WooCommerce folder.
Just copy and download default template files from wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/[path-to-the-template] and paste these files inside your theme folder which you can found at: wp-content/themes/[path-to-theme]
Now Open the template files you pasted into the theme folder one by one with a text editor of choice, such as notpad++ or any other text editor and reproduce any changes that you had to the previous template in your new, updated template file.
After update you can see there is no warning message
You guys can comment if you still have an issue.